3D Impact Media and Exceptional3D partner to cross-market their 3D products

3D Impact Media and Exceptional 3D (New York) announce today a cross-promotion partnership to broaden product portfolios.
Under the agreement, 3D Impact Media will support Exceptional 3D patented auto-stereoscopic 3D displays with our market-leading software solutions. Similarly, Exceptional 3D will offer our solutions to their client base, namely the “Reality Tools” for 2D-to-3D and s3D-to-as3D conversion as well as the “Reality Player“ the universal 3D playback software.
“We are very pleased to offer 3D Impact Media’s software products to our customer base in an effort to make the process of wide-spread glasses-free 3D adoption even simpler, while further enhancing the overall experience,” said Michael Egan, CEO for Exceptional 3D. “The RealityTools have shown very impressive results and have proven effective in support of the conversion for existing 2D or stereoscopic 3D content into our patented glasses-free 3D format”, continued Mr. Egan. “While good, cost-effective content is still the bottleneck for the auto-stereoscopic 3D industry, our aim is to remove some of those restraints.“