3D Impact Media and screenFOOD enter strategic partnership

3D Impact Media and the leading Swiss digital signage software provider screenFOOD enter a strategic partnership.
screenFOOD has successfully integrated 3D Impact Media’s leading glasses-free 3D software technology, thereby enabling their clients to manage combined 2D and auto-stereoscopic 3D display networks. Auto-stereoscopic digital signage allows viewers to see a 3D effect without the need to wear special purpose 3D glasses. Typical applications are:
- point of sales in retailing
- means of transport, train stations, airports
- restaurants, bars, clubs or food courts
- shoppings, casinos, hotels
- sports arenas, fitness clubs
- culture, museums
With the integration of the 3D functionality, screenFOOD uses the latest technological opportunities to differentiate their solution from peers. Pierre Farine, CEO of screenFOOD: “The increase in stopping power with 3D advertisement adds extra value to our client’s signage installations. 3D Impact Media’s glasses-free 3D technology complements our solution ideally.